About Me

*Page being updated soon.

I began playing the trumpet at the age of 7 and completed all 8 ABRSM grades before the age of 18. Despite being classically trained, I developed my passion for music mostly through my love of Jazz. The combination widened my knowledge of music and taught me key skills that help me to this day including reading music, having an ear for music and also creativity.

Around the same time I started learning trumpet, I also performed in various amateur productions. One notable memory is playing the role of Oliver in one of these productions then a few years later, becoming understudy Oliver and actually performing as Oliver at Theatre Royal Drury Lane in the West End. I was lucky enough to perform in various West End and UK Tour productions throughout my childhood and this was where I first developed my love of singing. This continued throughout school where I sang as part of the boy band NGA "No Girls Aloud" - Yes... that's true ! 

2018 saw me enter a singing competition where I got some exposure and experience in singing to an audience and this kickstarted my signing career. I paid £50 for an old speaker, mixer and mic and got my first gig at The Red Cow in Chrishall, Essex! Since then I've done hunderds of gigs all over the Uk at many different venues. As well as holiday parks and pubs, I perform at house parties, weddings, funerals, wakes and other events.

The photo above was taken at my solo concert in Barley Church, Hertfordshire in December 2023 -  just down the road from where it all began!